OTLA Cup: A Strong Debut for Lakehead
Each year lawyers from the Ontario Trial Lawyer Association (“OTLA”) volunteer their time to support the development of trial skills, civility and professionalism amongst law school students by organizing the OTLA Cup. Law schools from across Ontario compete in a simulated trial which covers all aspects of a real personal injury court case. The OTLA Cup rotates among cities around the province and is presided over by a local judge, with OTLA members making up the jury.
This was a historic year for the OTLA Cup, marking the Cup’s 25th anniversary and Lakehead University’s Bora Laskin Faculty of Law first entry in the competition. The trailblazing team was composed of students Amber Bonnell, Ryan Venn, April Snow, and Jillian Kellar. White Macgillivray Lester LLP’s own Dan Lester and Jeff Moorley were the team coaches. The students and coaches put in many hours of hard work in preparation for the moot.
This year the moot was held in Toronto with the Honourable Mr. Justice Firestone presiding. Amber led the way, outlining the case with a cogent opening statement and examination of our client, Jillian a.k.a. “Loudmouth Larry”. Ryan grilled the defendant Barry “Butterfingers” Fitzgerald in cross-examination, and wrapped up our case with a compelling closing statement. Our team alternate, April, provided valuable support and guidance during our preparation and the event itself. Competition was fierce as all the participants were extremely well-prepared, and the University of Windsor’s Faculty of Law ultimately brought home the hardware.
White Macgillivray Lester LLP applauds this pioneering team who showed skill, dedication, and confidence in their preparation and performance. They made a great first impression on behalf of Lakehead.
We look forward to meeting Lakehead’s OTLA Cup team in 2018! Rumour has it that the 2018 Cup may be held in Thunder Bay!