Jeff Moorley Helps Draft The Advocates’ Society Guide for Lawyers Working with Indigenous Peoples

On May 8 2018, The Advocates’ Society, in partnership with the Indigenous Bar Association and the Law Society of Ontario, jointly published their Guide for Lawyers Working with Indigenous Peoples.


The Guide is intended to serve as a helpful resource for lawyers to learn about important historical and cultural elements that provide context for the personal relationships among Indigenous persons, their lawyers, and other participants in the justice system. It also provides practical tools to help lawyers represent Indigenous clients as effectively as possible.


Jeff Moorley of White Macgillivray Lester LLP is the youth representative of The Advocates’ Society for the Thunder Bay region and a member of the Task Force of dedicated volunteers who led the drafting of the Guide. Congratulations Jeff on helping create this valuable resource and on kudos on your hard work! We hope that this Guide will contribute to the national conversation on reconciliation and access to justice.