Over the years, our lawyers and staff have helped clients all over Northwestern Ontario.
We’ve helped people from the Manitoba border in the west, to Marathon in the East. We have also helped people all the way up to the farthest northern communities.
Many law firms claim to serve Northwestern Ontario, but their main offices are in Toronto.
We actually live up here. We understand Northwestern Ontario. Contact your personal injury lawyers today.

Some of the communities we’ve had the opportunity to serve include:
- Atikokan
- Cat Lake FN
- Dryden
- Eabametoong FN (Fort Hope)
- Ear Falls
- Emo
- Fort Frances
- Fort Severn FN
- Fort William FN
- Geraldton
- Ignace
- Kenora
- Longlac
- Manitouwadge
- Marathon
- Nipigon
- North Caribou Lake FN
- Oxdrift
- Pic River FN
- Pickle Lake
- Pikangikum FN
- Red Lake
- Red Rock
- Rocky Bay FN
- Seine River FN
- Schreiber
- Sioux Lookout
- Terrace Bay
- Thunder Bay
- Wabauskang FN