Who Pays Personal Injury Damages In A Slip & Fall Or Car Accident?

There are many different legal issues and legal advice around personal injury and insurance law. A common question people ask a lot is “who pays personal injury damages?” Is it a defendant paying out of pocket or is it their insurance company?  Car Accident Compensation In almost all cases it’s the defendant’s insurance company that ...
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The Two Sides of Car Accident Compensation in Ontario

There is a lot to know about the legal system in Ontario when it comes to car accident injuries. What happens if you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle accident or collision and how do you get compensated? There’s two sides to this situation. Your Insurance Company’s Role The first side is through your own ...
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Common Surveillance Tactics Used By Insurance Companies

Usually, when surveillance is conducted by an insurance company, it’s done on an injured person and is set up by the insurance company that’s defending the case. There are various types of surveillance tactics used.  They Follow You Around The first kind is what people probably think of when they hear surveillance. It’s hiring a ...
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Duncan Macgillivray Lawyer of the Year

Founding Partner Duncan Macgillivray was recently named Lawyer of the Year for Personal Injury Litigation in Greater Ontario by Best Lawyers!! Best Lawyers uses a peer review process (… asking other lawyers) to make their selections. Lawyer of the Year “is awarded to individual lawyers with the highest overall peer-feedback for a specific practice area ...
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Everything You’ve Wanted to Know About Surveillance

This blog post was written by our placement student Rob Stefanelli (with some edits by Duncan Macgillivray). CAN AN INSURANCE COMPANY CONDUCT SURVEILLANCE OF ME AND MY FAMILY? Yes (… unfortunately). When you are injured and make a representation to your insurer or the at-fault driver’s insurer about the extent of your injuries, the insurance company ...
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