Time to Eliminate Most Civil Juries
This Op-Ed by Duncan Macgillivray was originally published in the Chronicle Journal on July 31, 2020. The Ontario Government is considering eliminating juries for new civil lawsuits. Eliminating most civil juries makes sense. Civil jury trials should be reserved only for exceptional situations which trigger a public interest and engage community values or a person’s ...
Total Disability: Not So Total After All!
A version of this article by Duncan Macgillivray and Jeff Moorley originally appeared on the OTLA Blog. Many Long-Term Disability (LTD) insurance policies state that the insured person will only qualify for benefits if they become “Totally Disabled” or suffer a “Complete Inability” to work. To avoid confusion, we will use these phrases interchangeably. It ...
Jeff Moorley Helps Draft Statement Defending Judicial Independence
On April 13, 2020, The Advocates’ Society published a Statement on Judicial Independence. The purpose of the statement is to inform Canadian public officials, journalists, and citizens on the stakes in any contest for judicial independence. To that end, it explains why judicial independence matters, the origins of judicial independence in Canada, and the safeguards ...
Spencer’s First Month at White Macgillivray Lester
By Spencer Thompson, Bora Laskin Faculty of Law, White Macgillivray Lester Summer Student My first month of summer employment at White Macgillivray Lester LLP has been an excellent experience. The firm has provided me with a great work environment and an amazing culture. They bestow the essential tools needed to learn and grow with adequate ...
Kristy’s First Month at White Macgillivray Lester
By Kristy Hansen, Bora Laskin Faculty of Law, White Macgillivray Lester Summer Student and Placement Student My first month at WML has been amazing! As a summer student, I was busy from the minute I started – always in a good way – with new and exciting learning opportunities around every corner. The partners, lawyers ...